Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Creating a Discipleship Strategy for Campus Ministry by Rod Whitlock

·            Discipleship is a process!

            *ex: Peter tried to chop off the guard's head; James and John wanted to call fire down (racism)


·            Your doctrine is going to affect how, to what extent, and how often you disciple students.

            *Your need to know what you really believe

**Leader Netix  (google)


firestarters (nym.ag.org)  Daily devotions through the NT

-Use to connect with parents (devotions for family)


-Three essentials to Discipleship Process:

1)Mentor (who)

2)Method (when + how we meet)

3)Material (what you use)


Three groups w/in your church:

·            Core (CMs)

·            Committed (faithfully attend)

·            Crowd (Show up occassionally)



1)  Student leaders need to be a thermostat not a thermometer (they set the temp, not just read it)

"You are not a disciple until you've discipled someone who has discipled someone else."  [be fruitful and multiply]

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